newest entry: Arrival at Vullain ()
illustration from “Instruments of Tamriel”, ink & gouache
Thursday, 24th of October 2024, 08:36 AM
“My great journey began on a smuggler’s boat to Vullain. I decided to avoid any troublesome questions by my compatriots and rather trust an elderly Bosmer smuggler with a speedy dragonfly sloop, which is usually known to be a fair-weather racing boat. But he obviously knew what he was doing, because he sailed us quietly and gently across the Blue Sea and on through the fog, skirting the coastline, and finally through a maze of rocks and root caves of huge trees. The area outside Vullain looks gloomy and is said to be extremely dangerous for inexperienced hikers. Or so he claimed. I asked him if this danger had anything to do with the Blue Rift War, but he just raised his eyebrows.
We had been loudly announced and a mooring hidden away behind a veil of thick vegetation was uncovered shortly afterwards. I had barely managed to clamber off the boat onto a wobbly wickerwork, that had been roped here instead of a timbered jetty, when the captain, in response to my previous question, gestured towards a rotting animal carcass, hanging above us in a tangle of vines. It clearly began to dawn on me that the flora alone was reason enough to be on one’s guard here.”